Special Report

Leeds, England registered UK Charity No.1087961
Kingsport, USA charitable non-profit # 86-0957704
Oradea, Romania registered Charity No.14839712

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Report from Georgi Opreanu, Director of Elderly Care

If you want to be happy yourself…make another person happy!

Sweet November is gone…and I can’t really believe it. I asked myself a few times where November went…it happened so quickly that I felt I lost a month. But then I remembered, I didn’t lose it, in fact I lived every minute of it…going to see new cases, meeting new people, celebrating birthdays, employing new staff, having meetings after meetings, making hospital visits, making plans for December and many other things. November is not lost because of so many good things that happened during this month. We went to see 12 new cases and 6 elderly are now already residents of ECO and 4 more will come this week. We also had inspections from 2 different departments: ‘Public Health’ and ‘Food Health and Safety’ both of them went well and we are now full authorised. We praise the Lord for this, because those inspections can be very difficult at times.

We celebrated the birthdays of Floare (86 years), Virgil (78 years) and Francisc (84 years) and all those celebrations were special because some didn’t expect us to remember their birthday, let alone giving them a cake.

We are blessed to have pastor Vasile from Tileagd coming every Thursday for special times spent with the elderly and more and more are interested in coming to study the Bible and have fellowship together.

In Salonta we celebrate this month the birthdays of two Marias - 79 and 85 years. They are already used to the cakes because they had it before, but for next year we plan to give them also a gift, will be photo album with their pictures in the centre.

We planned the second edition of the Christmas concert in JFL which will be on December 12th. Last year was a great joy for everyone and I hope and pray that the one this year will bring joy in the life of the elderly.

Also in Salonta we had another lady that has given her heart to Jesus. On December 7th will be the baptism in the local church. In my next report you will be able to read her story. We are so blessed to be able to spread the truth of the Gospel and God is indeed working in wonderful ways.

One special thing that I want to announce this month is that finally we have a name for the Elderly Care Home in Salonta. I was trying to find a name for the centre before it was even open. I even did a contest in the office challenging my colleagues to find a name that I will think is suitable for the centre. No success was made for a year. In October, at the opening of the Oradea Centre, I was listening to Kevin say a few words about his mother and as I started to think about her and how she was all the years I knew her - I realized what a wonderful lady she was and really wanted the centre to be named after her. She was a joyful and optimistic lady, this is how I would like all the elderly residents to be in the days they have and she worked hard for others to make sure all the needs of the ones around her were taken care of…this is how my staff and I would like to be, never getting tired to help those in need.

When I proposed the name to Kevin, he didn’t really want it but for us, will be an honour to name our centre after such an inspiring lady. Thank you Sefu (Kevin) for accepting our proposal and now we are able to call Phase I of the JFL – The Doris Elderly Care Home!

As I was saying earlier, I met new cases and new people this month, but one was from far the most disturbing case I’ve seen. I have been working for the Smiles Foundation since 2005 and I seen so many things and so many problems, but this one touched my heart in a special way.

It was a gentleman that is 73 years old. We were called by a doctor friend of his. We went to see him at his one room apartment in Oradea. He was lying on the floor on matresses and all around him were bottles of water, food (some that for sure wasn’t edible any more), medicine, a phone and a radio. He couldn’t walk anymore because of some severe health problems, so he was left there alone for most of the day.

A lady was coming to clean him and the place, but I think she was coming just to collect the money, because no cleaning had been done there for weeks. Another foundation was bringing food every other day, but nobody took the recipient anything on the other day…so the room started to smell of bad food and a dirty home.

We couldn’t believe the condition that he was living for 2 months and the neighbours or family didn’t do anything for him. He worked for 27 years as a biochemist in a hospital, suffered a divorce a few years ago when his mother needed care and his wife wasn’t too pleased having him going to care for her. He has a son that is not very close to him who comes and goes all the time, so not very reliable.


When I left the house that day, I promised him that I will come back and take him to a clean place, a better place…he didn’t believe me, because others promised him that, but didn’t keep their word.

We called the social services to come and assist us with the case, then the ambulance to transport him to our centre. When the people from the ambulance took him from the floor a smell hit me and I could not stay in the room any more. After they took him out, I entered again in the room to take some of his belongings and then I saw the floor was bulging from urine rot. I can’t describe the feelings that I had in those moments - anger, frustration, pity, but also joy…joy because I work for a foundation that can make a difference in somebody’s life…Joy because I don’t need to leave the house not knowing where to find help for him…joy because I could see with my own eyes another destiny changed…joy because I can tell him that Jesus is the one that send us to help and he needs to thank Him for everything that he will receive from now on.

When the ambulance arrived at the centre and saw it so clean and beautiful they asked me if for sure he will be taken in, or somebody will come see him and send him back home. I assured them that it is ok and he will be able to stay and spend the rest of his life with dignity. They couldn’t believe we will take him in and Mr. Tiberiu couldn’t believe that I kept my promise.

What was hard for me to believe was the indifference of his family and his neighbours…nobody should live or die alone and in those conditions. A few days ago I went to visit him and I asked him how he feels. His words were "here is like in heaven…but I don’t know for how long this heaven will last." When he lost hope in peoples promises it’s hard for him to regain trust…but this is our challenge now: to re-gain his trust in human beings!

This is not an easy case, comes with a lot of challenges and problems…but we are not here for an easy job, we are here to change the world…maybe not the whole world but we definitely changed Mr. Tiberiu’s world in a way that he never believed would be possible.

This month I have a challenge for you: to give a present for a person that will not get a present this Christmas from their family…and I know quite a few, so I want us to be their family this year.

My challenge for you is to allocate some money from your budget for those whose dear ones forgot them. In our two elderly care homes are living people that were never visited by a close member of their family. It is Christmas for them too and my purpose this year is to make them feel the joy of having a bigger family than they know. For all of the elderly that are in the centre I want to make December 25th a special day. The greatest gift of all is Jesus, and I want them to feel His love through the gifts that they will receive from us. All of them will have a gift under the Christmas tree and I ask - Will one be from you?

If there are there people that take my challenge this is the plan:

  • Sponsor a gift for an elderly with £5, £10 or £20 (or more if you like)
  • If your sponsorship is of £10 you can pick one item that you want the gift to contain, if your sponsorship is £20 you can chose 2 items.
  • Write a few words of encouragement for the person that will receive the gift from you and I will make sure it will be translated for them and receive it together with the gift.
  • Send the money to the Leeds office or Smiles bank account with message "Christmas Challenge" and then an e-mail to info@thesmilesfoundation.org and georgeta.opreanu@thesmilesfoundation.org with the amount you sponsor, the items you want to be presented in the gift and the encouraging message by December 15 and I will make sure they will receive the gift on Christmas Day.
  • May God bless your gift!

With my sincere thanks


Georgi Opreanu
Director of Elderly Care



Prayer points:

  • For God to prepare the new residents that will come in the centre and experience the love of God thru the care we provide;
  • For staff to have a loving and caring heart for those in need;
  • For the residents to feel is a special time of year and not to miss too much their family;
  • For Mr. Tiberiu to personally know the love of the Lord;
  • For "enough" people to take the Christmas Challenge so everyone can receive a present for Christmas. We currently have 47 residents and growing.
  • For health and well-being for residents and staff;
  • For all Smiles staff be able to show Gods love so others will get to know HIM


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