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Cleaning Supplies

Maria’s Shopping List!

Can you help with a financial gift towards urgently needed hygiene and cleaning products?

Maria's shopping listDue to COVID-19 restrictions, the ability to plan the Container that normally comes from Northern Ireland and was scheduled in September/October – cannot currently be planned. This would normally have on board urgent supplies for our projects to use over the coming year.

Urgent Supplies such as: Disinfectants, Laundry Washing Powder & Liquid, Shower Gel, Shampoo, Bin Liners, Hygiene Wipes and Toilet Rolls. Our remaining supplies are dangerously low and we are having to contemplate some Bulk Buying here in Romania. The cost is well above our anticipated Budget.

This was shared on both the Open House and Smiles Coffee Morning and some kind folk have already sent money towards us buying urgent supplies. On initial calculations, we anticipate needing to spend £ 6,000 ($ 7,500) within the next month, so another special appeal that we know you will pray about helping with.

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